Sanzio Bassini (CIneca)
Quantum Molecule Unfolding
Kevin Mato (Politecnico di Milano)
Introduction to Tensor Networks as classical benchmark for quantum computation
Simone Notarnicola (University of Padua)
Tree Tensor Networks approach for Lattice Gauge Theories
Giuseppe Magnifico (University of Padua)
Machine Learning for Quantum Noise Benchmarking
Stefano Martina (University of Florence)
Modeling order-disorder phase transitions with a quantum annealer
Ilaria Siloi (University of Southern Carolina)
Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning with Near-Term Devices
Marta Mauri (Zapata Computing)
Data classification and forecasting with Quantum Machine Learning
Luca Asproni (Data Reply)
Quantum computing with neutral atoms
Loic Henriet (Pasqal)
Preparing for the future: Intel Quantum Strategy and the application of Intel Quantum Simulator
Helena Liebelt, Astrid Elbe (Intel)
A spin qubit to interface semi and superconducting technologies
Alessandro Crippa (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
Keynote on quantum industries
Speaker: Raffaele Mauro (Endeavor Italia)
D-Wave as a generator of structural models in materials science
Virginia Carnevali (Central Michigan University)
Fighting qubit loss in topological QEC codes: theory and experiment
Davide Vodola (University of Bologna)